Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The things that really matter

Sometimes we get so caught up in all the things that are really just busy work. I love the things I'm involved with and I was worried about letting people down since for the last two weeks I haven't been able to do much. We've had a lot of sick kids in the house that require my attention. I am more concerned with cuddling them and making sure they are as comfortable as they can be while sick. The adults that I was worried about letting down are grown-ups that should understand that my 1st priority is to my children that depend on me to meet their physical and mental needs, then to my husband who I promised to summit to and serve to the best of my ability. Then it is to my parents and grandma because with out them nothing we have been working towards would even be a thought. There is many things I love to devote my time and energy to, but we must place our priorities according to importance and learn to say no without stress or guilt. I love all the blessings God has given me even through the struggles such as this deployment.

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