Tuesday, July 30, 2013

*drum roll* Decisions have been made

First off, sorry I haven't been around lately. We've been gearing up for our trip to Texas (T- 2days) and to start our school year. It sure has been hectic. I have bags to pack, dogs to bathe, paperwork to turn in, and and the truck to load still. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

We have made a few decisions that we set the course for how things will go in the next couple months (more like 2ish years). As some of y'all know we will be homeschooling for the 1st time this year. We are very excited about this new course. Pray it goes well for us and that the kids adapt easily.

I have stopped selling paparazzi accessories and will not be returning to the company.  It is a good company, but not for us. We have other business ideas brewing.

We have been very stressed trying to figure out where we will live upon my husband's term ending with the Army. We have decided to buy a used travel trailer or RV to live in at the farm until we can afford and build our house. Everything nonessential will be put into storage until we are ready and have the space. We will probably sell off a lot of thing before we move.

The kids and I will leave to Texas in June and spend a few months with my grandma and mother til my husband can join us in September or October.

The next year will be extra busy, but I'm excited to be prepping for the next chapter in our lives together as a family. 

Sara, my oldest baby, lost her 1st tooth last night!!!!

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