Tuesday, August 16, 2011
It finally happened!
Today marks the death of my Grandfather. He was a truel wonderful man and loved us all very much. Even at a young age he taught us many things and how to love nature and push through tough situations. I love and miss you very much Papa. I sometimes sit and wonder if he was sitting up in heaven watching the things going on in my life. Was he there when my kids were born, was he there at my wedding, during deployments, during the happy times. Was he whispering in my ear when I was doing wrong. Was he there with God when we were in danger. No one from my extended family went to my graduation (4years late) but I know he would have been proud of my either way. He would have loved me when I was a disappointment to everyone. He was a great man. (ok going to stop before I start balling)
I am so proud of my Kayley Bug. She went to the big girl potty today... TWICE! I think she was just as proud of herself as I was of her. She grabbed her daddy's arm right after dinner telling him "dada batrmm" It was so cute.
Michael Wayne finally took a bath without crying which is a big plus. I learned he doesnt like running water on his feet or laying in water on his back. He did chase his bath frog around the bath tub.
Sara came back with her attitude today... It seems like when we finally get her out of the attitude its time for school again.
I am very excited! I finally got everything squared away with my military benifits and got enrolled in my classes. I start my veterinary assistant courses September 1st, but my books should be here before then. I can not wait to start. Even if it doesnt much help me find a job I can use it for our own personal gain when we get back to Texas.
I am still not sure what I am going to do next year during deployment. Basicly all my options are still open... I just dont know.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
It has been a while
It is good to be back. We were without internet for a while.
My oldest son, Logan, will be turning 4 years old next week. We are both very excited about it, but it makes me feel extremely old. He also starts preschool tomorrow morning. He is more excited about that then me. He is an amazingly sweet boy and has overcome so much in his short life. From birth defects to bad situations. He is my miracle child, they all really are very special to me. This picture is him and me when I finally graduated high school in August 2009.
Sara, my oldest, started school last week. She tells me that she has not learned anything yet. The teachers assure me that the first week is used to set up classroom proceedure and review. Im not feeling very good about putting them back into public education when they could be using their time to advance their education and not standing still in it. However, my husband thinks it is vital to my health that I work on improving my health issues and not stressing over lesson plans teaching and tests. I hope that changes before next year.
Kayley is talking alot more but is still very protective over her baby bother. I am happy that she loves him, but she will sit out playing with unfamilar kids to watch and play with him. However if he isnt present she is more then happy to join in on the fun.
Michael Wayne is running every where in his walker, just as fast as he can. He has two teeth now and wants to eat everything he can get his hands on. He still isnt sleeping through the night. I havent slept a full night through in a very long time. Even on Saturdays when Michael gets up with him I am still waken by the smallest whimper even from across the house.
I should be back in Texas next summer for a year. It is very bitter sweet. I will be glad to be in Texas but not very fond of being alone again and this time with more kids. I am going to spend the summer with my parents getting some work experiance and then the rest of the year probably with my grandparents (in laws). I am not positive yet though. I have alot to think about with that.
We are still struggling a little with some issues (who in life doesnt?) but I am pretty satisfied with the way everything is going in my family, marriage, and future. I will be starting a course for veternary assistant in the next couple weeks. That is pretty exciting. Even if I can not find a job with the training I can still use it for ourselves on the farm.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Out of touch
Sorry everyone for being out of touch recently. We had a death in the family, made a trip to Texas, picked up my two little sister in laws, and been dealing with a few struggles since we've arrived back in Kentucky.
We've been busy getting everything fixed up since we left in a hurry to go to Texas. Finally getting some breathing room, sort of.
It was nice to get back to church on Sunday. I don't know if I'll make it to tonight's service with everything going on but I hope.
Sara's attitude is still an issue, but she's doing some what better. We got another VCR and within two days broken again.
Hopefully this next pay check we can get caught up on bills again.
I hope we move to a bigger place on post soon. We are all on top of each other here.
Just about a year from now we will be working on our house on the farm finally. How nice it will be to get out of the city. I am hoping to be able to get my great grandma's bedroom set for the house at the farm. We are going to try to do the whole house in heirlooms and antiques. Have a large garden and a small" orchard". I am very much looking forward to it. Been dreaming and praying.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Good morning everyone. Those of y'all that actually read my blog.
Recently I have started working on how to save our family some more money being that I am starting college in July and going to need a little extra for gas. Second week in July, every Thursday afternoon at 6 for just over a year. That will get me most of my core credits so I can mover to an online program.
I am working on couponing and seem to have a decent Start, but I guess we will know if I truly do starting pay day. Hopefully my coupon trading efforts will be profitable for everyone involved, if not I know I have atleast one faithful trader.
The church picnic is Monday, crossing my fingers we can make it.
Lots going on this coming week. I have to get my house clean and set up for my little sister in laws, pack for Logan and my overnight trip to Arkansas. Wednesday I have to go grocery shopping with all the kids and then go to my appt with the college at 5:30pm. Thursday bible study. Friday make sure everything is set up for company and packed for the trip. Saturday Logan and I head to Arkansas. I pray the weather is good and everyone behaves.
I am very excited to see my dear friend Sandra and her beautiful place. She is a great friend and a mentor to me.I also get to pick up the girls and have them with us for all of June.
Still working on getting stuff together for homeschooling and stressing out about things with my daughter. Some days I just feel lost.
Y'all be blessed!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Scattered Thoughts
We really need to get a better budget put together very soon, not to mention a better schedule. A few of my long distance friends of mine (pen pals) are trying to help me with the budgeting portion, and with my homeschooling efforts with my kids.
Anyone have scheduling ideas? With a house to maintain, four kids between 5 months and 5 years old, meals to cook, chores, bed times, naps, schooling, and trying to maintain my own personal sanity can be frustrating.
Budgeting is just as frustrating. We have 6 people and a dog to feed on lower enlisted pay. We have managed to pay all the bills, food, and gas, but their is no extra money after that at all, and its always a close call. I am not complaining; I have definitely been worse off before. There just has to be a better way to do this, and save money. It would be nice to be able to get out from under some of the debt.
It was a nice weekend. We got to spend sometime outside in the sunshine. Half of this week is suppose to be raining and overcast. Several kids with alot of bottled up energy is no fun for mommy. I sure hope it in nice weather when Logan and I make our trip to Arkansas to pick up my sister in laws and see one of my close friends the first weekend in June.
I've been having a hard time choosing which of my older two kids I was going to take with me and which one was going to stay with my husband. Kayley and Michael Wayne are too young to make the trip, unless it is necessary. I know Sara is going to be upset that I didn't take her, but I think it will be more of a benefit to Logan to go. Michael Wayne is to young to really play with Logan, Michael works alot, Logan's real father isn't much in his life, and I am simply not all that great at being a boy. My friend in Arkansas has a little boy that is about a year and a half older then Logan, plus alot of property for them to play on. He doesn't get to much male interaction, his age or older. He is doing alot better now that Michael is in our life's compared to when it was just Sara and me. I am sure it will get better as he gets older and his little bother can play with him too. I try to do boy things with him. We play in the mud, do construction sites, and play with trucks, but he sometimes says "Mommy you can't do that, you're not a boy" well he's right, but I do try to not feminis him.
My husband, Michael, wants to start teaching the kids and my sister in laws about the outdoors before we go camping this summer. I think it will be a good way to take our learning outdoors. Which is important to me. I don't want my kids sitting in front of books getting bored with education. What would be some good ways to make learning smooth and natural?
Recipe of the day:
Cranberry Pudding-
Ingredients: 1/2 c. Butter, 1 c. Sugar, 3 eggs, 3 1/2 c. Flour, 1 1/4 tablespoon Baking Power, 1/2 c. Milk, 1 1/2c. Cranberry.
Instructions: mix ingredients by conventional method, add egg yolks and whites, beat til smooth, put into molds and steam.
Side note- some of these recipes may need a little tinkering and be vage. Most of them come from my Great Grandmother's recipe box or our own personal box.
Enjoy and y'all be blessed :)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Sometimes life just seems so routine and repetitive. What do you do to break up your usually every day same old same old?
I am pretty good at keeping to myself and staying put. Lately, however, I have felt rather isolated and more down then usual. Some people I can't talk to because I know they are more judgmental then they like to believe, some people just have never been here, and alot of the people I could talk to just don't believe the way I do about life in general. I try to be open minded about people's beliefs and point of views. Usually people are extra conservative or very liberal. I like my upper median of middle. The people are thin here though (not talking about a person's build).
I like the church I have been going to and it has some what gotten me out of this cave I have put myself into. I am happy to be there, and to fellowship and worship. As loony and wrong this maybe, I just need a friend right now, not a preacher...
I have several pen pals, supposedly. I am always happy to get a letter in the mail. That little connection from beyond this place we are in. Unfortunately, only three of the 11 really seem interested in writing back. They all volunteered but are to busy.
Ill just pray.
Y'all be blessed
Friday, May 20, 2011
Much needed rest
As busy as yesterday was it was also well worth it. After getting home and going to sleep late last night, we all slept in, until 7:45 that is. The picnic was great. We had alot of fun and I got to learn about the things the homeschool group does. They meet once a month starting in August and ending in May. Each meeting has several activities that would benefit the kids greatly.
Sara's graduation was very sweet. I only cried once. I know it was only Preschool graduation and they aren't really graded on anything, it is more of a you can either do it or you can't, you know it or you don't. I am very proud of her though and she really sang out during the preschool presentation. It is hard to believe that the little baby that changed my life dramatically is finished with preschool now.
I also made it to a wonderful bible study.
I would love to make the Tuesday morning bible study as well, but scheduling to go to Clarksville that specific morning with all the kids would be hard for me, completely inconvenient to everyone else, and impossible time wise. Maybe I can see what book it is and do it on my own. I still really really need to get a King James bible. It is actually very different then the NIV.
I have already started on chores for the day. The last 2 days I have been lacking. Busy, busy, busy, the story of almost everyone's life. I would go to the library today, but I have a flat tire. I guess it is all for the best because I need to play catch up here at the house anyway.
I still miss Texas though, and Michael is talking about if he makes E6 before the 3 years are up about re-enlisting with the hopes of going back to Texas, but no promise. Financially it would probably for the best, but I was really looking forward to going back to Texas and being in the countryside with the kids and animals.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I need a nap
I have yet again beat my alarm up this morning. I am tired but the next couple days are going to be busy. I have more laundry, dish, and children to tend to today.
Tomorrow I will try to get a blog in, but there is no promising. They are having a picnic for homeschooling at the church I just started attending. Plus Sara's preschool graduation. One at 11:30 and then graduation at 5:30 in Sunday best. I don't know if I am going to have the gas to do both. Which is very unfortunate because they could probably give me some advice on getting started and on scheduling with small children. There is suppose to be a women's bible study tomorrow at 7, but I am not sure if Ill be able to make it. It is all pretty depressing that I can't make it, but it is a fact of life plain and simple.
I like the kind of mother I am becoming slowly. My mom says I was never a bad mother, just inexperienced. I strive to be a better mother and wife. It is an often prayer of mine that God will show me the way. They told Sara at church that she needed to bring a bible. The only bible we have is mine. They use the King James Version at church. I don't have an issue with this except that I don't have a King James Version. My bible is NIV. I often find myself comparing the bible versus in church. I will just have to make due with the bible I have because the kids need church clothes.
What a blessing my friends and pen pals have been. My blood family may not care much for me, but I know that I am lucky and blessed to have so many people in my life that do love me and my children. I have good kids, a loving husband, a good relationship with my parents and sister, and friends that have stood the test and not deserted me when it got tough or out of greedy. I truly love the people in my life.
The weather is temperamental here. Some days its in the 80s and 90s then the next day its in the 50s. I love both the cold temps and warm temps, but the switch back and forth makes dressing the kids harder. I love the summer when its sunny and everything is alive. Fishing, camping, hiking, swimming, and just enjoying the day outside with some tea and watermelon. It is beautiful. However, I also love fall and winter. Fall brings cooler temperatures, lovely colors, and harvest. Winter, has the cold and is festive. I love the holidays, cheer, and unity that winter brings. Don't get me wrong I like spring to, when everything is reborn and the gloom of winter let's its grip on nature go. However, even though it helps renew the land, I am not very fond of the constant rain, flooding, and surely not fond of the tornados they have here.
Sara's graduation is tomorrow. I sure hope my mom's package comes in today or tomorrow. Sara might not have a dress that fits her properly if it doesn't. She is getting so tall. She is thin enough to fit into a 3t, but so tall she is going to have to start wearing 6's. All the kids are growing so fast. Kayley is already in 24month/2t, Logan is in 5t now, and my littlest who just turned 5months is in 6months. 3-6months are to small now. It makes me sad, but I am glad they are healthy.
I must get started on chores. Y'all be blessed and enjoy your day.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Another Productive Day
Yesterday was fairly productive the house stayed clean, my husband came home in a good mood, and dinner was on the table by 6:30. I like it! My husband, Michael, is such a goof ball at time. I can't help but smile when he is jumping around dancing in the kitchen, jokingly of course.
Sara's attitude is getting a little better. Although she has a long way to go still to get back to where she was before she came to this school. I didn't get to much of the laundry yesterday done so I am going to make an effort to get it done today, after the pesky dishes that is.
Ok, I have been extremely torn for a while now on having one more baby or not. I really, really want another one and then to get my tubes tied, but I just don't think we can do. That would make a total of 5 kids. I know I could physically and mentally handle it, my issue is the financial aspects of it and if Id be running thin on the amount of individual time I can spend with each one of them.
I miss Texas more and more. People are nice here, I love having all 4 seasons, and I found a church I like, but its just not near the same. Almost all my church attire has some sort of western feel to it, most of my clothes actually, I've gotten several comments about how pretty it is, but also alot of awkward looks. In Texas its second nature. I also miss my ability to be out in the country side for days. Sitting out in the middle of no where with a lawn chair and sun tea just doing nothing. Shooting at targets in your yard and the neighbors not freaking out cause a gun is going off. I just miss Texas, my long time friends, and my family. I keep trying to tell myself that just over 3 years is not that long, but I am home sick.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Its been a long weekend...
I hope everyone has had a good weekend, so sorry I haven't kept up. This last weekend was incredibly busy. The kids and I spent Thursday running errands, very boring but it had to be done. My husband had off Friday so we made a wonderful and worthwhile trip to Land Between the Lakes. It was so great to get back out in to the country and enjoy nature. Saturday started out slow, until I got asked to babysit two girls. We put it in gear and got the house cleaned back up. Sunday I went to church with Sara and Logan. When I got home my husband informed me that he had read the wrong date for when his paper was do and that it was due before midnight. I worked on what he had of his paper, did some chores, and finished everything just in time for the evening service. I really enjoy this church. It has been far to long since I attended church. They are friendly and have no problems if someone has questions. I plan on taking all my kids next Sunday. They have a women's bible study once a week that I am considering attending if all goes smoothly and I keep up with chores, school, and the kids. Today, I have done laundry, dishes, and wrote my pen pal letters. As soon as lunch is over and I pick up some I think I will work on my lesson plan some. This church also supports homeschooling. I really like that.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Busy, busy, busy
It was an extra long day today, doing nothing... that's right I did absolutely nothing. Well I played with the kids and fixed meals, but that's it. It was really nice. I am definitely going to have my work cut out for me tomorrow though to make up for today's laziness.
My husband doesn't have to go in to work til 8. Its going to be nice not getting up at 4:30am and attempting to go back to sleep, which often enough I fail at.
Tomorrow's to do list:
1) get kids up and Sara ready and on the bus
2) do all the dishes from today and breakfast dishes
3) wash all the bedding
4) call and deal with Sara's school :(
5) finish the rest of the months meal menu
6) finish the grocery list
7)* clean my bookshelf
8) meet Mrs. Cindy Ray at the park for a play date, weather permitting :)
9) go grocery shopping with all 4 kids
10) *go check out the library
11) pay the electric bill
12) pick up today's mess
* if I can find time for it
Whew, I really do have my work cut out for me. It's ok, I'll just have to pace myself.
I got to catch up with an old friend from Texas. We lost touch over a stressful situation a while back. It was great talking to her though.
Time really does fly and you can never get it back. I look back on my life this far and wow did I waste alot of time doing absolutely nothing. It really saddens me to see a few of my younger family and friends going down a potentially bad road. Alot of young women these days have no self esteem and no self respect, not to mention little respect for others. My parents were" strict". I wasn't allowed to date til I was 16, I always had to check in, who, when, and where were 3 questions I always had to answer. I wasn't allowed make up til I was 16. I couldn't shave my legs til I was 13. My father would still tell me I can't wear bikinis, mid drifts, and daisy dukes if he had that right. Of course now that I can do it there is no way Id be caught dead in them. Don't get me wrong I have tattoos, piercings, and less appropriate clothing, but chances are high you'll never see them.
Sorry about the rant. Trying to keep my mind off of other things bothering me. Goodnight and God bless.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Day 4
Sara got grounded yesterday. Since we moved here she has gained one bad attitude, but she is still one smart cookie. Any suggestions on how to break this bad attitude she is gaining from school? I have a very good mother, that I wish I had listen to more when I was a kid, but if I would have talked back to her the way my oldest tries to talk back, I would have had one sore red rear end and would have been grounded for several days. Kayley and Logan, my two middle children, do chores without complaining and, well Logan rarely talks back. Maybe it is a girl thing? I am not trying to compare my kids to each other, they are all smart, unique, and very special to me, it is just something I have noticed recently.
I accomplished alot yesterday, even though you can't really tell. I maintained everything I previously had finished, organized my curriculum for next year, cleared and organized an area for my kids desk, did the dishes, played with the kids outside, did some laundry, and cooked dinner. Today it looks like we are having pork chops for dinner, and I am going to finally finish getting all these clean clothes out of my living room. Of course, I need to do a load of dishes, pick up the living room again, work on a menu plan for the rest of the month, and make the grocery list for tomorrow. Whew... I have more to do then I thought.
I have tons of cookbooks, recipe cards, and family recipes. I am considering posting one with every other blog I post and a inspirational quote for thought on the other posts. Let me know what you think and/or if you would be interested.
My kids give me a headache often, annoy me, and can get pretty loud, but I love them all and wouldn't change them for the world. I love getting their hugs and kisses. They make me smile. They make me laugh, and a few times cry. I can't believe (now) that I had a life without them, before giving birth. My family is my world.
Day 3
I am happy that we have easily been able to maintain the house. I haven't made much progress, but I will get things done today.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Day 2
I got the kids up 15minutes early today and our morning has gone ALOT smoother. Everyone was up, dressed, and eating breakfast by 6:45 am. It was so nice to not have to rush.
As soon as Sara's bus gets here I am going to have a cup of coffee (I know a bad habit), get the baby up, and start on the dishes. If I can get the dishes out of the way in the morning I wont have to worry about getting to it while I am in the middle of laundry. It's going to be a productive, but lazy day.
My husband is being sweet and sent me a good morning text.
Sara has preschool graduation on the 19th. She is getting so big. I am happy to watch her change into the woman she will be one day, but it does sadden me that the little baby that changed my life forever is growing up.
I can not wait to get all 4 of my kids back to the family farm in Texas, but I am not looking forward to my husband deploying next year. It is what it is and there is no point in getting upset about it this far in advance.
I love my family!
Hope y'all have a blessed day!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
The End of the Day
I had the most wonderful day today with my husband and kids. This was by far the best Mother's Day I have had so far. I went to church, listened to a great sermon, came home to a clean house, an adorable card, got to play outside with my kids, no one was fussy, we watched a movie together, and my husband made us dinner. I basicly had the whole weekend off. I caught up on my sleep because my husband took the baby both Friday and Saturday night, then let me sleep in! It was so wonderful. I feel so blessed.
I will go to sleep tonight in a great mood, and with a positive outlook on my second day of my 21 day process.
Now to fix things with Sara's school, my transcript for college, figure out the rest of the kids curriculum for next year, and get everyone's shots up to date, then I will be set and
Wish me luck!
Day 1
Well here we are, at day one. We moved to Kentucky 2 months ago from North Carolina. I miss the friends I was blessed to have in Texas and North Carolina. I feel lost here in Kentucky and long to go home to Texas, but I have made the decision to be more positive at our 3 years here and our family.
I went to church this morning at New Work Fellowship. It is alot more contemporary then I am use to, but the sermon was wonderful! It being Mother's Day 2011 I was excited to find a mostly clean house and dinner simmering from my husband and a very cherishable card from my 4 lovely kids.
Back to the beginning. Day one. It has been said that it takes 21 day to form a new habit. I have started this process several times with very little luck. Please pray for me to have strength to carry on. It would be pointless to try and take a big jump at one time, taking a bigger bite then I could handle. However I want a better, healthier, and happier family for us, so I have broken it up into smaller parts. My first set of 21 days is to a cleaner environment. Be all means our house could be alot worse, but beds go unmade for days at a time, vacuuming, sweeping, and moping happen probably once a week or so, and dishes depress me. An hour and a half of chores a day will keep in line the house and give a little time for better organization.
My hopes for our time here in Kentucky is to build a better family and to gain a few lasting friendship.