I have yet again beat my alarm up this morning. I am tired but the next couple days are going to be busy. I have more laundry, dish, and children to tend to today.
Tomorrow I will try to get a blog in, but there is no promising. They are having a picnic for homeschooling at the church I just started attending. Plus Sara's preschool graduation. One at 11:30 and then graduation at 5:30 in Sunday best. I don't know if I am going to have the gas to do both. Which is very unfortunate because they could probably give me some advice on getting started and on scheduling with small children. There is suppose to be a women's bible study tomorrow at 7, but I am not sure if Ill be able to make it. It is all pretty depressing that I can't make it, but it is a fact of life plain and simple.
I like the kind of mother I am becoming slowly. My mom says I was never a bad mother, just inexperienced. I strive to be a better mother and wife. It is an often prayer of mine that God will show me the way. They told Sara at church that she needed to bring a bible. The only bible we have is mine. They use the King James Version at church. I don't have an issue with this except that I don't have a King James Version. My bible is NIV. I often find myself comparing the bible versus in church. I will just have to make due with the bible I have because the kids need church clothes.
What a blessing my friends and pen pals have been. My blood family may not care much for me, but I know that I am lucky and blessed to have so many people in my life that do love me and my children. I have good kids, a loving husband, a good relationship with my parents and sister, and friends that have stood the test and not deserted me when it got tough or out of greedy. I truly love the people in my life.
The weather is temperamental here. Some days its in the 80s and 90s then the next day its in the 50s. I love both the cold temps and warm temps, but the switch back and forth makes dressing the kids harder. I love the summer when its sunny and everything is alive. Fishing, camping, hiking, swimming, and just enjoying the day outside with some tea and watermelon. It is beautiful. However, I also love fall and winter. Fall brings cooler temperatures, lovely colors, and harvest. Winter, has the cold and is festive. I love the holidays, cheer, and unity that winter brings. Don't get me wrong I like spring to, when everything is reborn and the gloom of winter let's its grip on nature go. However, even though it helps renew the land, I am not very fond of the constant rain, flooding, and surely not fond of the tornados they have here.
Sara's graduation is tomorrow. I sure hope my mom's package comes in today or tomorrow. Sara might not have a dress that fits her properly if it doesn't. She is getting so tall. She is thin enough to fit into a 3t, but so tall she is going to have to start wearing 6's. All the kids are growing so fast. Kayley is already in 24month/2t, Logan is in 5t now, and my littlest who just turned 5months is in 6months. 3-6months are to small now. It makes me sad, but I am glad they are healthy.
I must get started on chores. Y'all be blessed and enjoy your day.
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