We really need to get a better budget put together very soon, not to mention a better schedule. A few of my long distance friends of mine (pen pals) are trying to help me with the budgeting portion, and with my homeschooling efforts with my kids.
Anyone have scheduling ideas? With a house to maintain, four kids between 5 months and 5 years old, meals to cook, chores, bed times, naps, schooling, and trying to maintain my own personal sanity can be frustrating.
Budgeting is just as frustrating. We have 6 people and a dog to feed on lower enlisted pay. We have managed to pay all the bills, food, and gas, but their is no extra money after that at all, and its always a close call. I am not complaining; I have definitely been worse off before. There just has to be a better way to do this, and save money. It would be nice to be able to get out from under some of the debt.
It was a nice weekend. We got to spend sometime outside in the sunshine. Half of this week is suppose to be raining and overcast. Several kids with alot of bottled up energy is no fun for mommy. I sure hope it in nice weather when Logan and I make our trip to Arkansas to pick up my sister in laws and see one of my close friends the first weekend in June.
I've been having a hard time choosing which of my older two kids I was going to take with me and which one was going to stay with my husband. Kayley and Michael Wayne are too young to make the trip, unless it is necessary. I know Sara is going to be upset that I didn't take her, but I think it will be more of a benefit to Logan to go. Michael Wayne is to young to really play with Logan, Michael works alot, Logan's real father isn't much in his life, and I am simply not all that great at being a boy. My friend in Arkansas has a little boy that is about a year and a half older then Logan, plus alot of property for them to play on. He doesn't get to much male interaction, his age or older. He is doing alot better now that Michael is in our life's compared to when it was just Sara and me. I am sure it will get better as he gets older and his little bother can play with him too. I try to do boy things with him. We play in the mud, do construction sites, and play with trucks, but he sometimes says "Mommy you can't do that, you're not a boy" well he's right, but I do try to not feminis him.
My husband, Michael, wants to start teaching the kids and my sister in laws about the outdoors before we go camping this summer. I think it will be a good way to take our learning outdoors. Which is important to me. I don't want my kids sitting in front of books getting bored with education. What would be some good ways to make learning smooth and natural?
Recipe of the day:
Cranberry Pudding-
Ingredients: 1/2 c. Butter, 1 c. Sugar, 3 eggs, 3 1/2 c. Flour, 1 1/4 tablespoon Baking Power, 1/2 c. Milk, 1 1/2c. Cranberry.
Instructions: mix ingredients by conventional method, add egg yolks and whites, beat til smooth, put into molds and steam.
Side note- some of these recipes may need a little tinkering and be vage. Most of them come from my Great Grandmother's recipe box or our own personal box.
Enjoy and y'all be blessed :)
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