As busy as yesterday was it was also well worth it. After getting home and going to sleep late last night, we all slept in, until 7:45 that is. The picnic was great. We had alot of fun and I got to learn about the things the homeschool group does. They meet once a month starting in August and ending in May. Each meeting has several activities that would benefit the kids greatly.
Sara's graduation was very sweet. I only cried once. I know it was only Preschool graduation and they aren't really graded on anything, it is more of a you can either do it or you can't, you know it or you don't. I am very proud of her though and she really sang out during the preschool presentation. It is hard to believe that the little baby that changed my life dramatically is finished with preschool now.
I also made it to a wonderful bible study.
I would love to make the Tuesday morning bible study as well, but scheduling to go to Clarksville that specific morning with all the kids would be hard for me, completely inconvenient to everyone else, and impossible time wise. Maybe I can see what book it is and do it on my own. I still really really need to get a King James bible. It is actually very different then the NIV.
I have already started on chores for the day. The last 2 days I have been lacking. Busy, busy, busy, the story of almost everyone's life. I would go to the library today, but I have a flat tire. I guess it is all for the best because I need to play catch up here at the house anyway.
I still miss Texas though, and Michael is talking about if he makes E6 before the 3 years are up about re-enlisting with the hopes of going back to Texas, but no promise. Financially it would probably for the best, but I was really looking forward to going back to Texas and being in the countryside with the kids and animals.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
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