Sometimes life just seems so routine and repetitive. What do you do to break up your usually every day same old same old?
I am pretty good at keeping to myself and staying put. Lately, however, I have felt rather isolated and more down then usual. Some people I can't talk to because I know they are more judgmental then they like to believe, some people just have never been here, and alot of the people I could talk to just don't believe the way I do about life in general. I try to be open minded about people's beliefs and point of views. Usually people are extra conservative or very liberal. I like my upper median of middle. The people are thin here though (not talking about a person's build).
I like the church I have been going to and it has some what gotten me out of this cave I have put myself into. I am happy to be there, and to fellowship and worship. As loony and wrong this maybe, I just need a friend right now, not a preacher...
I have several pen pals, supposedly. I am always happy to get a letter in the mail. That little connection from beyond this place we are in. Unfortunately, only three of the 11 really seem interested in writing back. They all volunteered but are to busy.
Ill just pray.
Y'all be blessed
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