Thursday, December 8, 2016

Christmas List- Oh how times have changed

In a group on Facebook, that I am apart of, they were talking about Christmas wish lists. I started thinking about what I wanted for Christmas and how things have changed over the years. People listing luxury items and some functional things. In high school I wanted things like a specific pair of jeans, a CD from my at the time favorite band, vans, headphones, etc... I have my children's Christmas list that are full of things like the latest toy on TV and something cool one of their friends have at school.

A lot in my life has changed from those days, a lot has changed in the last 2 years alone. Yes we have been at the farm now for just over two years, but nothing seemed to progress.

In the last 6 months things have fallen apart and rebuilt differently than before making way for some hope, some progress. We have made some actual friends here now, not ones who said one thing and then did another. We were in a bad accident that totalled our truck and unfortunately the other driver didn't make it. Our prayers are with his family. My cousin has come to live with us on the farm and has turned out to be a big help. I have a great boss for my weekend job and the local farmers/ranchers have kept Michael busy. My oldest son has had a lot better school year and played football. My girls enjoyed cheer, but one of my girls grades suffered a little so we will have to reevaluate for next year.

We are doing a lot of under brush clearing, we have already started on fencing the rest of our property in, a barn will be going in soon, we have bees, rabbits, chickens, horses, pigs, and soon a few cows will be added. A garden, the way I wanted it, is being put in for spring this year with cold frames around the perimeter. A heater was put in the bathroom and a shower is being piped in. We fixed the majority of the wiring in the house as well. My porch has been turned into a greenhouse to save my more tropical sapling from winter.  We also have a huge delivery of hay coming in next week. We are in the middle of training a miniature to pull a wagon. In return we will get a wagon of our own to train our miniature to pull. We had two family heirloom children saddles repaired back to riding condition as well so we excited to see our children get a chance to use them.

So that brings us back to my wish list for Christmas this year. I wish for insulated work gloves, winter socks, a vacuum sealer with bags, a DSLR camera, and piping for my wood burning stove. I know the DSLR camera is highly unlikely as it has been on my list for years now, but I am hopeful for the rest and my fingers are crossed!